Stanley Black and Decker Partners with AstroPrint to Create a Distributed Network of 3D Printers

AstroPrint Press Release – For Immediate Release – March 13, 2019

Stanley Black & Decker Partners with AstroPrint to Create a Distributed Network of 3D Printers

Hartford, Connecticut – (March 13, 2019)  Today, AstroPrint is announcing a partnership with Stanley Black & Decker (NASDAQ: SWK) to connect, control, and optimize their fleet of 3D printers across multiple facilities. With AstroPrint’s Enterprise Cloud, Stanley Black & Decker will effortlessly automate their Additive Manufacturing systems and workflows on a single platform, ensuring that resources are properly shared and optimized, while gaining actionable intelligence on productivity and growth opportunities.


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TrainLab: How a Toy Manufacturer Uses AstroPrint to Run a Business

TrainLab, a startup toy manufacturer, designs and makes their own toy parts using desktop 3D printers. Like other entrepreneurs, they found a niche where 3D printing made sense and started a business around it.

They started making train track adapters and connectors for kids, selling them on Ebay, Amazon, Etsy and on their own online store.

In this post, Scot Refsland, founder of Trainlab, tells us about how they leverage AstroPrint software to maximize their 3D printer fleet productivity and scale their business.


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How MetalMaker 3D is using AstroPrint to Disrupt the $200B Metal Casting Industry

Lots of innovators are using AstroPrint to power their startup businesses, but none more innovative than the good folks at MetalMaker 3D.

About MetalMaker 3D

MetalMaker 3D has created a mini Foundry system that quickly and easily produces cast-metal parts that do not have the limitations of 3D Printed metal.  MetalMaker 3D parts are dramatically cheaper, faster, and stronger that parts made from traditional metal Additive Manufacturing processes. (more…)

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Max-K: How a StartUp Launches a Printer with AstroPrint and Google Assistant

Last month, Max-K (Emot3D), a start-up manufacturer based in Mexico, presented its new 3D printer at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. The printer comes with Google Assistant and it’s powered by AstroPrint software. Thanks to both integrations, the 3D printer can be controlled from any device and print with a few clicks. In addition, you can control multiple printers from one device and execute voice commands specific to the 3D printer such as bed leveling.

We asked Jose Luis Ku, founder of the company, about his experience making a smart 3D printer:


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AstroPrint Powered 3D Printers at NY MakerFaire!

Last weekend, we walked around the NY MakerFaire and had the pleasure to see the first AstroPrint powered 3D printer that appears in public. Yay!

Our friends at IMADE3D showed a prototype of their new JellyBox printer running AstroPrint software.  This colorful printer allows students to learn about 3D printing by building their own printer. Unlike most DIY 3D printers, this one is actually easy and fun to build.

One of the challenges after students build the printer is to get them excited about printing things. Until now, engineering grade software and horrible user interfaces haven’t helped with this. People can get discouraged by non-intuitive UIs, lack of networking capabilities and the time-consuming process of going from CAD file to physical object.

This is where AstroPrint comes to help💪. Students can now print files right from the touchscreen, controlling and monitoring remotely and much more. Basically, they now fall in love when they build the printer, and when they use it 😍😍

We’ll be announcing more partnerships over the next few weeks. Stay tuned!



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Upload GCODE to AstroPrint

How to upload GCODE (and X3G) files on AstroPrint — Even if you use Simplify3D, CURA OR any other slicer! 🤔

The AstroPrint Cloud Slicer uses CURA engine for slicing and generating GCODE files — but, here’s the thing: You can use ANY slicer you want (like CURA or Simplify3D) and STILL take advantage of all the other incredible features AstroPrint has to offer, like: Remote Monitoring, and Print Queuing.

As long as you have a AstroPrint Compatible 3D Printer — your workflow will be a LOT easier (and fun!) REGARDLESS of whether you choose to use our cloud slicer or not.

Speaking of slicing…

One of the most requested features of AstroPrint has been — the ability to upload GCODE files directly via the AstroPrint Cloud.

Until now, pre-sliced GCODE and X3G files could only be uploaded locally via the AstroBox Gateway.

I say “Until Now” because…

You can now upload pre-sliced GCODE (and X3G) files via the Design Library app on the AstroPrint Cloud.


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3 Benefits of AstroPrint OEM Dashboard

If phone and computer manufacturers can make software upgrades over-the-air, why 3D printer manufacturers can’t?

From AstroPrint OEM dashboard you can now control all software aspects of your 3D printer line, getting three main benefits from it:

1. Better Quality Prints

For most 3D printers today, users have to tinker until they find the proper slicer settings. Or, they have to download recommended slicer settings to make their own printer profiles. AstroPrint has solved this issue, allowing manufacturers control their slicer settings in a centralized way.


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AstroBoxTouch: New Customization Levels for 3D Printer Manufacturers

Many 3D printer manufacturers are preinstalling AstroPrint software in their printers. Just like Lenovo preinstalls Windows in computers, or Samsung preinstalls Android in phones.

Our goal at AstroPrint is to help manufacturers make smart 3D printers, replacing their antiquated software. But each printer is different and as a manufacturer, you want software tailored for your printers. This is why we are giving you more and more flexibility to customize Astrobox software to meet the specific needs of your Hardware:



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