Upload GCODE to AstroPrint

How to upload GCODE (and X3G) files on AstroPrint — Even if you use Simplify3D, CURA OR any other slicer! 🤔

The AstroPrint Cloud Slicer uses CURA engine for slicing and generating GCODE files — but, here’s the thing: You can use ANY slicer you want (like CURA or Simplify3D) and STILL take advantage of all the other incredible features AstroPrint has to offer, like: Remote Monitoring, and Print Queuing.

As long as you have a AstroPrint Compatible 3D Printer — your workflow will be a LOT easier (and fun!) REGARDLESS of whether you choose to use our cloud slicer or not.

Speaking of slicing…

One of the most requested features of AstroPrint has been — the ability to upload GCODE files directly via the AstroPrint Cloud.

Until now, pre-sliced GCODE and X3G files could only be uploaded locally via the AstroBox Gateway.

I say “Until Now” because…

You can now upload pre-sliced GCODE (and X3G) files via the Design Library app on the AstroPrint Cloud.


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