We often get asked how a system like AstroPrint can save an Enterprise so much money, while dramatically increasing Additive Manufacturing output. This article will explore one of the primary ways we can do exactly this. Let’s start with understanding how most Enterprises buy 3D Printers: In most organizations, an engineer requests a 3D Printer […]
Month: March 2019

AstroPrint Launches Cura 3 Slicing Functionality in the AstroPrint Cloud
AstroPrint ❤️’s Cura 3 First and foremost, we would like to thank Ultimaker & the Cura Open Source Community for creating and open sourcing this slicing engine! Cura 3 functionality (more specifically, Cura Slicing Engine v3.6.0) is now integrated into the AstroPrint Cloud! (a week BEFORE Ultimaker is expected to launch it in the new […]

Stanley Black and Decker Partners with AstroPrint to Create a Distributed Network of 3D Printers
AstroPrint Press Release – For Immediate Release – March 13, 2019 Stanley Black & Decker Partners with AstroPrint to Create a Distributed Network of 3D Printers Hartford, Connecticut – (March 13, 2019) Today, AstroPrint is announcing a partnership with Stanley Black & Decker (NASDAQ: SWK) to connect, control, and optimize their fleet of 3D printers […]