Astroprint joins forces with Print&Go!

Hey Astroprint community, 

We have some BIG news to share with you, and we couldn’t be more excited to announce that… Astroprint is joining forces with Print&Go! 🚀

That’s right! Astroprint and Print&Go are now one team, united by our shared passion for making 3D printing as awesome and accessible as possible.

We know this is a pretty huge announcement, and you’re probably wondering what this means for you. So, let’s dive right into it!

What does this mean for you?

First things first: Astroprint stays FREE! 

Yep, you read that right. We know how important Astroprint is to you, whether you’re a maker, an educator, or just a 3D printing enthusiast, and we want to keep it that way. That’s why Astroprint’s basic plan isn’t going anywhere and is not getting a price tag.

Why are we excited about Print&Go?

For those of you who might not be familiar with Print&Go, here’s a quick rundown:

P&G is a top-notch 3D printing workflow software for businesses and printer farms, packed with professional features and some seriously cool AI error detection tech. 

By teaming up with Print&Go, we’re bringing their know-how and fresh ideas straight to you, our beloved Astroprint community. We can’t contain our excitement for all the amazing new things we’re about to unveil!

What is coming next?

We know it’s been a while since you’ve seen some major updates from Astroprint. But that’s about to change! Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming up over the next few months:

  1. Some awesome improvements to the server will give you an even better experience!

  2. Internal optimization and updates are a crucial step in providing all the new features you’ve been waiting for! 

  3. We’ve also addressed a few bugs that were reported by our awesome community members over the past few months. Thanks for helping us! 

  4. We’ve got some incredible new verified printer compatibilities in the works! Get ready, because within the next few months, we will be working on verifying some printer models to be connected to Astroprint, with the current connectivity possibilities.

  5. We’re also upgrading the Slicer Engines to newer versions with new functionalities attached.

  6. And something really special for our Premium, Pledge, and Kickstarter users… We’ve got a whole load of exclusive material offers just waiting for you!

Join the conversation at Formnext 2024!

Changes can bring up a lot of questions, we know that. Whether you’re curious about what’s next or need some help, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re all about community here at Astroprint, and we want to hear from you!

Our support team is ready to assist you! Join the conversation on our forum, reach us on social media, or drop us an email. You are also welcomed to visit us at Hall 12.1 G01 during Formnext in Frankfurt (November 19–22, 2024). Your input is what makes Astroprint amazing!

Thank you for being such an incredible community. We couldn’t do this without you, and we’re thrilled to take this next step together. Here’s to a brighter, more innovative future for 3D printing!

Stay awesome,

Astroprint Team

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3d printing education

The Impact of 3D Printing in Schools and Universities

Imagine building something that only existed in your head – and watching it become real, layer by layer. That’s the power of 3D printing! Students are using it to turn their wildest ideas into actual objects, transforming the way they learn.

According to industry experts 3D printing is going to change the world – everything from how doctors treat patients to the way factories make products.

This revolution is starting in the classroom, where the next generation of inventors and problem-solvers is learning to harness this incredible technology. Ready to see how 3D printing is shaking up education? Let’s dive in!

3D printing at school
Pexels: Vanessa Loring

Hands-on Learning: From Idea to Object

You know how sometimes those textbook diagrams can be a little… well, flat? With 3D printing, that all changes. Imagine teaching students how to make a 3D cell model or holding a 3D DNA model you designed yourself! 

Suddenly, all those complex structures make way more sense because you can see them from every angle.This is seriously awesome for subjects like science, engineering, you name it! 

Think about anatomy class – instead of just those old textbook pictures and maybe a few specimens floating in jars, medical students can print detailed models of organs. We’re talking super-precise skulls or a complete 3D model of a human that helps understand our anatomy. It’s a totally different way to learn!

Education 3D printing
Unsplash: Kenny Eliason


Forget just reading about history – 3D printing lets you hold it in your hands! Imagine designing and printing your own ancient Roman coin, feeling its weight and markings, or a miniature medieval castle complete with turrets and a moat. It makes history feel so much more real, doesn’t it?

Architecture Courses

In architecture, 3D models are seriously cool. Instead of just staring at blueprints, students can actually build scaled-down versions of their designs. 

They get hands-on with their creations, which helps them see how everything fits together. And it’s not only the end result that matters – designing the model teaches them loads about software, engineering principles, and how to troubleshoot problems!

Sparking Creativity and Innovation

3D printing is like unlocking a treasure chest of creativity! Imagine being able to build almost anything your mind can come up with. The possibilities are mind-blowing – want your own unique jewelry? Boom, done. A phone case that nobody else has? Easy. How about a working model of that invention idea you’ve been sketching? 3D printing can make it happen!

Seeing their ideas become real fuels a sense of “I can do anything!” in students. Suddenly, their imaginations aren’t just stuck on paper. And who knows, maybe those classroom projects turn into something that actually changes the world for the better!

With AstroPrint, students can take this creativity even further. They can create 3D models within the platform and send them for printing under the supervision of teachers. Unleash the imagination with technology!

Empowering Collaboration and Problem-Solving

3D molecule model projects are awesome for teamwork! Students can work together by splitting up tasks, designing pieces that fit together like a puzzle, or giving each other helpful suggestions. 

Within our platform, we offer the ability for multiple users to connect simultaneously, giving teachers the ability to manage student permissions. They can review and approve or disapprove what is printed on each of the institution’s printers.

They learn to talk through ideas clearly, figure out who’s good at what, and build on each other’s strengths. Things don’t always go perfectly with 3D printing – maybe the design has a little flaw, the printer settings are wonky, or the finished piece needs a bit of sanding. 

This teaches students not to give up but figure out the problem and find creative ways around it. That whole process of trying, fixing, and trying again – that’s a skill they’ll use in all sorts of things, not just 3D printing!

Preparing Students for the Future

Classroom 3D printing
Pexels: Vanessa Loring

3D printing is turning sci-fi into reality, and it’s happening in every industry! It’s a massive market value of $15.8 billion! — and it’s only getting bigger. Giving students hands-on experience with 3D printing in school gives them skills that companies are desperate to find. Let’s talk about all the ways it’s being used:

Artists: Unleashing Creativity and Pushing Boundaries

3D printing lets artists go wild! They can create sculptures with crazy shapes and details that would be impossible with traditional sculpting or painting. Imagine adding lights, moving parts, or different textures to artwork! Plus, artists can 3D print small collections of unique jewelry designs or home decor items, making their amazing art more accessible.

Engineers: Rapid Prototyping and Accelerated Innovation

Waiting weeks for a prototype to be built? Not with 3D printing! Engineers can print complex parts and models in a matter of hours. This lets them test stuff out, spot mistakes right away, and make changes super quickly. It means new products get designed and made faster than ever before.

Architects: Bringing Visions to Life, Detail by Detail

3D printed models are like a crystal ball for architects. They let clients see the whole finished building, down to the tiniest details – landscaping, intricate decorations, even how the rooms look inside! It’s way easier to visualize than looking at blueprints. 

Plus, if the client wants changes, the architect can tweak the model and print out a new one – way faster than rebuilding the old-school way.

Researchers: Tailored Tools for Groundbreaking Discoveries

Think of all those fancy science tools you see in movies – they can be super expensive and hard to get! But with 3D printing, researchers can design and print their own custom tools. 

Need a super-detailed prokaryotic cell 3d model with labels to understand how it works? Done! A molecule model with a specific shape for a chemistry experiment? Printed and ready to go! 

This lets scientists explore totally new ideas without having to wait around for the ‘perfect’ equipment to become available.

Healthcare Professionals: Customized Care and Medical Breakthroughs

3D printing is revolutionizing healthcare! From custom-fit prosthetics and surgical models to cutting-edge tissue engineering, this technology delivers personalized solutions.

University 3D printing
Unsplash: Andrea G.

Imagine a prosthetic designed specifically for your body – a major improvement over generic models. Surgeons can now practice on realistic heart 3D models, ensuring better outcomes for patients.

The possibilities are truly astonishing.

Researchers are exploring 3D bioprinting of living tissues and even organs for transplants , potentially solving the donor shortage crisis. This technology is bringing science fiction to life!

n the classroom, 3D printing sparks excitement and fuels imagination. Students can create incredibly detailed 3D models of animal and plant cells, visualize complex molecules and gain a hands-on understanding of biology.

When students learn how to operate 3D printers and design in 3D, they become part of this burgeoning technological revolution.

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Astroprint service updates

Astroprint service updates: We’re back with enhancements!

Discover the latest Astroprint service updates: strengthening our commitment to you.

Hello makers! 🧑‍🚀

It’s a pleasure for us to be active again, and we’re back stronger than ever! We have many things prepared for you, such as improving the platform and renewing our commitment to you.

Our main mission is to provide the best technical support to our users. We understand the importance of having a reliable team to offer you the help you need. That’s why we want to reiterate that we’re here for you and to address your concerns.

To conclude, on our journey to strengthen and improve our services, we’re excited to announce that we’ve joined forces with PRINT&GO to offer better solutions to our customers. While this is a significant change, we want to assure you that our commitment to you is as strong as ever.

We’re excited about what the future holds, and we appreciate all your support and trust in us!

Stay tuned for more updates.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us through our contact page. We’re here to help you!

Greetings & Happy Printing!

Astroprint Team

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Kimball Union Academy: Teaching 3D printing during Covid-19

The Covid virus has brought real challenges to 3D printing educators. In a typical 3D printing lab, students congregate around 3D Printers as they wait for their prints to finish. They share computers, sd cards and so on…

Giving a 3D printing class seems impossible these days with the new social distancing standards. Some schools have simply decided to close their 3D printing labs, letting the printers collect dust.

Others, like Kimball Union Academy, have decided to use AstroPrint to keep 3D printing in their curriculum. And, as we’ll see, this new need has led them to drastically improve the way they teach 3D printing.


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How your 3D Printer lab can survive the new social distancing standards

The Covid virus has impacted the way we interact in nearly all aspects of daily life, and the education system is no exception. With schools gradually getting back to regular classes, new social distancing standards will have to be implemented campus-wide. This poses some unique challenges for 3D Printer labs, which typically involve students congregating around 3D Printers, shared computers, and printer lab admins/teachers.

AstroPrint, with its unique cloud features, allows a 3D Printer lab to be a safe environment for your students & personnel. The AstroPrint platform also allows your organization to become compliant with the new hygiene/sanitation standards for schools.


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How to start a Business with 3D Printers

During the COVID crisis, many people put their 3D printers to work to print personal protective equipment for the healthcare personnel, proving the ability to quickly create a new design and bring a product to market.

As traditional manufacturing is now taking over to full-fill those needs, many people that volunteered to print PPEs are now wondering what other things they could do with their 3D printers. The good news, is that there are lots of business opportunities.

How to make money with 3D Printers

We were sold on the hype that 3D printers would be in everyone’s home. The reality is that for the average householder, it’s still way too hard to print stuff, let alone useful items. The technology, the materials, the ease-of-use and the content infrastructure around these machines are not there yet.

Desktop 3D printers came down in price dramatically and China flooded the market with cheap 3D printers, allowing almost everyone to gain access to this technology. Meanwhile, the media has turned its attention to industrial technologies after seeing that the people buying low-cost 3D printers are hobbyists that use these machines to make gadgets and figurines that mostly end up in their home shelves if not in the trash.

But the media is overlooking one thing. Many of these hobbyists that have been experimenting with 3D printing technology are also entrepreneurs. Many of them are turning their hobbies into businesses.

Thanks to having over 100.000 3D printer owners in the AstroPrint platform, we are witnessing this emerging trend from a privileged position. We’ve seen how some AstroPrint users went from tinkering with one printer to now run a business with a farm of 30+ printers.

Low-cost 3D printers are allowing people to start their own manufacturing business from home and the digital infrastructure is there for them to find customers. In this post, we’ll give some examples of people that grew into a 3D printing business and the key practices that made them successful.

Ready start your own home-built manufacturing facility with a bunch of low-cost 3D printers?


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How makers are using Clusters to 3D print PPEs worldwide

We asked some groups in our community how they are using AstroPrint Clusters to coordinate efforts to print PPEs for hospitals and other groups in need. Here is what they had to say:

Printing PPEs in Cincinnati

Patrick Bennett and Richard Eichhorn are coordinating efforts in the Cincinnati Metro Area including Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. They signed up in the AstroPrint Clusters app to become regional coordinators for the Cincinnati area.

We talked to Patrick to find out more:

How many people have joined your cluster and how many parts have been printed?

“We currently have 14 users in our cluster and have printed just over 200 prints which have been distributed to hospitals and local municipal Fire Departments, as well as individuals who need them for their essential businesses/organizations.”


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AstroPrint’s Clusters App, Community 3D Printing Platform to Fight Covid-19

As the COVID-19 outbreak worsens across the world, the urgent need for medical gear is being partially fulfilled by the additive manufacturing industry. Additive is being used for everything from face shields, medical masks, and respirator valves, to much-needed ventilator parts for critically ill patients. With this kind of critical medical gear in short supply, 3D printing offers a fast way to fill in some of the gaps.

In order to provide our help in these efforts, we are creating a new online tool named: AstroPrint 3D Printing Clusters. This will allow Regional Coordinators to manage ‘clusters’ of local manufacturers (i.e. Printer Owners), and to deliver critical 3D Printed parts to the Medical Facilities that need them.

This will help Coordinators follow local production in real-time, regardless of the manufacturing technology utilized. Since this application is more about logistics, and less about 3D Printer communications, it can be used to track production on any manufacturing technology (FDM, SLA, CNC, DMLS, etc).


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AstroPrint announces free service for Hospitals and Universities during the COVID-19 crisis

Dear AstroPrinters and 3D Printing community,

Now more than ever we are dedicated to providing you with the best service possible. We decided last week to temporarily close our offices for the safety of our employees during the C19 crisis. However, you should know that we are staying 100% operational. We are lucky enough to be able to fully operate via remote working and we are still 100% dedicated to offering you the same quality of service we always do.

  • Our team is still available for support
  • Our service is still operating at full capacity
  • We are still focused on helping you get the most out of your 3D Printers

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AstroPrint’s 2019 3D Printing Reliability Awards

AstroPrint is announcing today the awards for best-in-class 3D Printers, based on usage from our awesome community. This past year the AstroPrint servers have been VERY busy, thanks in-part to the more than 100 new, highly passionate, 3D Printer users that joined each day!

With nearly 1 Million prints & 80 tons of filament printed in 2019, we are proud to announce the awards go to…

Best 3D Printer
Best 3D Printers 2019

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