Can you imagine accessing millions of 3D printable models right from your printer controller? Stop dreaming…that’s now possible. In our fight against software mediocrity, we have integrated the most popular model repository websites in our touchscreen controller, as user-friendly apps!
white labeled 3d printer software

Why 3D Printer Manufacturers should NEVER make software
Have you heard of Pirate3D‘s Buccaneer 3D Printer? It’s the Jony Ives-inspired 3D printer that never took sail. With a sleek, aluminum body, smooth, crystal clear acrylic housing, and beautiful aesthetics, it’s all beauty and no brains. If you aren’t in the loop, Pirate3D raised a (then) record-breaking $1.4M+ on Kickstarter for their Buccaneer 3D Printer in 2013. […]