Share your 3D Printing time lapse videos

There’s nothing more mesmerizing (and time wasting) than watching a 3D Printed object come to life out of a 3D Printer. It is also a great way to show a person how additive manufacturing works.

AstroPrint has, for a long time, allowed our users to automatically capture photos of the object being printed. This was primarily for monitoring and print failure analysis. However, we thought this data can be used for something more fun.

Time lapse videos of objects being created out of 3D Printers are very popular on both YouTube and Facebook. Now you can create, download and automatically share your awesome prints on these popular social networks. Here’s how to do it:

1) Head over to the “Print Captures” app on AstroPrint.


2) Select the Capture that you would like to show off.


3) Pick one the options to share.


You can also simply download your images or video to post-process them at will, if you’re so inclined.

To give you some inspiration, here’s a video of a print that we created:

Note: Print Captures are created by using printing with an AstroBox and connecting a camera to it.