The Covid virus has brought real challenges to 3D printing educators. In a typical 3D printing lab, students congregate around 3D Printers as they wait for their prints to finish. They share computers, sd cards and so on… Giving a 3D printing class seems impossible these days with the new social distancing standards. Some schools […]
3D printer farm

How to start a Business with 3D Printers
During the COVID crisis, many people put their 3D printers to work to print personal protective equipment for the healthcare personnel, proving the ability to quickly create a new design and bring a product to market. As traditional manufacturing is now taking over to full-fill those needs, many people that volunteered to print PPEs are […]

How to Set Up a 3D Printer Farm to Sell Cookie Cutters
Since we print on demand, we can sell zero of a design and it doesn’t cost us anything other than my wife having fun sketching it. If I put a product online and it doesn’t sell, we don’t lose anything. Mike Benner Mike and his wife Shey are the founders of Sheyb, an online store […]
TrainLab: How a Toy Manufacturer Uses AstroPrint to Run a Business
TrainLab, a startup toy manufacturer, designs and makes their own toy parts using desktop 3D printers. Like other entrepreneurs, they found a niche where 3D printing made sense and started a business around it. They started making train track adapters and connectors for kids, selling them on Ebay, Amazon, Etsy and on their own online […]